Blood Circulation in Human Body || Solved Q/A for practice for S.E.E. - Exam || Part-1

Blood Circulation in Human Body


Very short questions and answers for S.E.E. students

Questions and answers for practice for S.E.E. examination

1) What is circulatory system?
Answer: The group of organs through which blood passes throughout the body is called circulatory system.

2) What is blood?
Answer: Blood is a red colored fluid connective tissue made of plasma (55%) and blood cells (45%) by volume.

3) Write the main function of fibrinogen in plasma?
Answer: The main function of fibrinogen present in plasma is to help in clotting of blood.

4) Write the name of vein in which pure blood flows.
Answer: The name of vein in which pure blood flows is pulmonary vein. 

5) What is haemoglobin?
Answer: The haemoglobin is a red colored respiratory pigment. It is formed of haemin (4%) and a protein part known as globin (96%).

6) What is vein?
Answer: Vein is the thin walled blood vessel that carries blood from different parts of the body back to the heart.

7) What do you know about 'Leucopenia' and 'Leukemia"? 
Answer: Leucopenia is a condition in which there is decrease in the WBC count below 4000 per mm³. Similarly, leukaemia is a maligant disease caused due to enormous increase in WBCs at the cost of RBCs. This condition is also called blood cancer.

8) Write down the function of platelets or thrombocytes. 
Answer: Platelets play an important role in the coagulation of blood or clotting of blood.

9) Write down the function of erythrocytes or RBCs.
Answer: The functions of erythrocytes are given below:
        (i) Erythrocytes transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon-dioxide from tissues to  
             the lungs.
        (ii) Red blood cells maintain the viscosity of the blood and ion-balance.

10) Write the name of non-granular leukocytes.
Answer: Name of non-granular leukocytes are:
        (i) Lymphocytes
        (ii) Monocytes

More questions will be given in another blog post. Till then watch videos given below.
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