Basics of Chemistry
Part-02 (Atomic structure of first 20 elements)
In the previous part we learnt about details of first 20 element and we calculated atomic weight of them. That was the first and most important step in studying chemistry. Without understanding about elements, their symbol and valancy, it is impossible to understand chemistry. So, for that, we have to first draw and understand the atomic structure of all first 20 elements.
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So, let us start...
Atomic Structure of first 20 elements
Atomic Structure of Hydrogen (H)
Atomic Structure of Helium (He)
Atomic Structure of Lithium (Li)
Atomic Structure of Beryllium (Be)
Atomic Structure of Boron (B)
Atomic Structure of Carbon (C)
Atomic Structure of Nitrogen (N)
Atomic Structure of Oxygen (O)
Atomic Structure of Fluorine (F)
Atomic Structure of Neon (Ne)
Atomic Structure of Sodium (Na)
Atomic Structure of Magnesium (Mg)
Atomic Structure of Aluminum (Al)
Atomic Structure of Silicon (Si)
Atomic Structure of Phosphorous (P)
Atomic Structure of Sulphur (S)
Atomic structure of Chlorine (Cl) |
Atomic structure of Argon (Ar)
Atomic structure of Potassium (K)
Atomic structure of Calcium (Ca)
The atomic weight given here is as per calculations made in previous part.
This is all about the atomic structure of all first 20 elements.
Draw these structures in your copy and get it checked by your chemistry teacher.
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