1000+ MCQs for PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation || Part-03 ||

 1000+ MCQs for PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation


With the changing needs as well as Nepal, Government's health policy, CTEVT took an action to respond to these needs; as a result CTEVT has started the PCL Nursing course. PCL Nursing is one of the prominent and popular disciplines within the Nursing profession.

PCL Nursing has its full form of Proficiency Certificate Level in Nursing.
1000+ MCQs for PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation || Part-03 ||

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1000+ MCQs for PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation || Part-03 ||

1000+ MCQs for PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation || Part-03 ||

In this particular series of "PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation", each set will contain 50 MCQs (with Answer key) for students to solve. About 1000 MCQs will be provided related with the entrance preparation for PCL Nursing or Staff Nurse. Notes will also be posted, if required. 

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Your MCQs for PCL Nursing starts from here:

1) Which sphincter guarded in between stomach and small intestine?
    a) Sphincter Oddi
    b) Intestinal sphincter
    c) External sphincter
    d) Pyloric sphincter

2) Fat digestion in human starts from......
    a) Mouth
    b) Stomach
    c) Duodenum
    d) Ileum

3) Which components is not formed in serum of blood?
    a) Antibodies
    b) Antigen
    c) Microphages
    d) Immunoglobulins

4) Which is the hardest tissue in human body?
    a) Bone    
    b) Enamel of teeth    
    c) Dentine of teeth
    d) Cartilage

5) Which teeth is not present in Temporary set of teeth?
    a) Incisor
    b) Canine
    c) Pre-molar
    d) Molar

6) Lactose is made of......
    a) Fructose + Glucose
    b) Glucose + Glucose
    c) Glucose + Galactose
    d) Glucose + Fructose

7) Which salivary gland is generally affected by Mumps?
    a) Sub-lingual
    b) Sub-Mandibular
    c) Parotid
    d) All

8) Which part of the digestive system's breadth is greater than length?
    a) Caecum
    b) rectum
    c) Sigmoid colon
    d) Duodenum

9) What is the function of intrinsic factor found in gastric juice?
    a) Starts digestion of protein
    b) Starts digestion of carbohydrate
    c) Helps to absorption of Vitamin B₁₂
    d) Helps to absorb all nutrient in large intestine

10) The hormone insulin was discovered by.....
    a) Louis Pasture
    b) Sir F. Huxley
    c) Robert Hook
    d) F. Banting

11) The part of the tongue more sensitive to sweet taste is.....
    a) Sides
    b) Tip
    c) Base
    c) Middle part

12) The enzyme which is present in pancreatic juice is.....
    a) Ptyalin
    b) Pepsinogen
    c) Amylase
    d) Renin

13) Which of the following enzyme does not assist in the digestion of carbohydrate?
    a) Ptylin
    b) Pepsin
    c) Erepsin
    d) Amylase

14) The total number of molar teeth in adult women has......
    a) 6
    b) 8
    c) 12
    d) 18

15) The feeling of drowsiness after food intake is due to.....
    a) Increased blood flow to the intestine
    b) Increased blood pressure
    c) Increased blood flow to the brain
    d) Increase activity of the liver

16) In children milk teeth eruption occurs at the age of.....
    a) 6 month
    b) 8 months
    c) 12 months
    d) 6 years

17) The process of splitting of Glycogen into glucose is known as.......
    a) Glycogenolysis
    b) Glyconeolysis
    c) Glucaneogenesis
    d) Glycogenesis

18) Esophagus pierces diaphragm at the level of.....
    a) T₄
    b) T
    c) T₁₀
    d) T₁₂

19) Which of the following is not the function of Liver?
    a) Plasma protein synthesis
    b) Protein digestion
    c) Bile formation
    c) Urea formation

20) Taenia coli is characteristics of....
    a) Esophagus
    c) Duodenum
    c) Jejunum
    d) Large intestine

21) When bile pigment in blood is excessive, than that is called....
    a) Cyanosis
    b) Jaundice
    c) Anemia
    d) Cholesteatosis

22) How much amount of gastric juice is secreted by the stomach per day in a normal healthy man?
    a) 0.5 liter
    b) 1.5 liter
    c) 2.5 liter
    c) 3.5 liter

23) Which of the following organ does not have peristaltic movement?
    a) Uretine tube
    c) Intestine
    c) Vas difference
    d) Artery
24) The usual capacity of urinary bladder in human is....
    a) 100 ml
    b) 500 ml
    c) 800 ml
    d) 1200 ml

25) How much time is required for the kidney to filter all the blood volume present in the body?
    a) 4 seconds
    b) 30 seconds
    c) 1 minute
    d) 4 minutes

26) The normal glomerular filtration rate is....
    a) 50 ml/min
    b) 125 ml/min
    c) 250 ml/min
    d) 500 ml/min

27) One of the following is not the major function of the kidney....
    a) Regulation of the water contents of the body
    b) Elimination of waste product from the body
    c) Destruction of toxin substances in the body.
    d) Regulation of blood acidity & alkalinity.

28) The organ of the body is involved in the function of filtration.....
    a) Kidney
    b) Bladder
    c) Liver
    d) Brain

29) The condition in which kidney fails to form urine is called...
    a) Dysuria
    b) Anuria
    c) Polyuria
    d) Haematuria

30) Glucose is mainly absorbed in kidney by....
    a) Glomerulus
    b)Loop of Henley
    c) Distal convulated tubule
    d) Proximal convulated tubules

31) Ampulla of fallopian tube is important for....
    a) Ovulation
    b) Fertilization
    c) Implantation
    d) None of the above

32) After delivery, which hormone is responsible for production of milk?
    a) Osterogen
    b) Progesteron
    c) Prolactin
    c) Oxytocin

33) Which hormone is responsible for puberty inmale?
    a) FSH
    b) Thyroxin
    c) Calcitocin
    d) Testosterone

34) Placenta consists of artery and vein....
    a) 1-artery, 1-vein
    b) 2-artery, 1 - vein
    c) 1-artery, 2- vein
    d) 1-artery, 2- vein

35) Which is the outermost layer of testes?
    a) Tunica Veginalis
    b) Tunica Albugenia
    c) Tunica Adventitis
    d) Tunica Vasculosa

36) Which hormone helps to contract uterine muscle and expulsion of fetus?
    a)  Prolactin
    b) Oxytocin
    c) Progesterone
    d) Oestrogen

37) How much amount of blood is thrown out during one menstrual cycle?
    a) 40 to 50 ml
    b) 100 to 200 ml
    c) 900 to 200 ml
    d) 200 to 300 ml

38) Generally, How many layers of perineum is repaired during Episiotomy repair?
    a) 5
    b) 4
    c) 3
    d) 2

39) Which of the following is mostly affected by the radiation hazard?
    a) Kidney
    b) Heart
    c) Testes/ovary
    d) Lungs

40) Gestation period in human is supposed to last approximately.......
    a) 240 days
    b) 280 days
    c) 365 days
    d) 290 days

41) Umbilical cord is developed from.....
    a) Amnoin
    b) Chorion
    c) Yolk sac
    d) Allentosis

42) The fetal organ corresponds to placenta....
    a) Heart
    b) Kidney
    c) Lungs
    d) Liver

43) .......are susceptible for breast cancer.
    a) Nulliparus women
    b) Multiparus women
    c) Both 'a' & 'b'
    d) Women over 65 year

44) Technically, Abortion is best defined as....
    a) The expulsion of the fetus before 8 weeks of gestation
    b) The expulsion of the fetus before 37 weeks of gestation
    c) The expulsion of the fetus before 12 weeks of gestation
    d) The expulsion of the fetus before 38 weeks of gestation

45) A pregnant women require more....
    a) Protein
    b) Iron
    c) Vitamins
    d) All of the above

46) X-rays should not be done....
    a) During the first trimester of gestation
    b) In neonates
    c) In those person who are mentally ill
    d) During the last trimester of gestation.

47) Which of the following phase is not present in menstrual cycle?
    a) Proliferative phase
    b) Secretary phase
    c) Menstrual phase
    d) Propagative phase

48) Ovum is produced in.....
    a) Menstrual phase
    b) Secretary phase
    c) Proliferative phase
    d) None

49) Structural unit of nervous system is called....
    a) Neurons
    b) Nephron
    c) Nrves
    d) White matter

50) Meninges is made by.......layers.
    a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 4
    d) 8

1000+ MCQs for PCL Nursing Entrance Preparation || Part-03 ||

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Answer Key
























































Remaining 850 MCQs will be provided in the upcoming blog post.


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