Full forms for S.E.E. exam

Full forms

(of some important terms)

There are given a list of full forms on different topics of science for S.E.E. examination. This blog will cover all the important full forms required for S.E.E. students.


1) A.C. = Alternating current

2) D.C. = Direct current

3) E.m.f. = Electromotive force

4) M.C.B. = Miniature circuit breaker

5) C.F.L. = Compact fluorescent lamp

6) K.E. = Kinetic energy

7) P.E. = Potential energy


1) IUPAC = International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry.

2) s-block = Sharp-block

3) p-block = Principal-block

4) d-block = Diffused-block

5) f-block = Fundamental-block

6) LPG = Liquefied petroleum gas

7) PVC = Poly vinyl chloride

8) a.m.u = Atomic mass unit

9) pH = Power of Hydrogen.

10) DDT = Dichloro Diphenyl Tricholorethane

11) BHC = Benzene hexachloride

12) NPK = Nitrogen(N), Phosphorous(P) and Potassium(K)

13) R.C.C. = Reinforced cement concrete


1) ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate
2) U.V. ray = Ultra violet ray
3) DNA = Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid
4) RNA = Ribo Nucleic Acid
5) TSH = Thyroid stimulating hormone
6) RBCs = Red Blood Cells
7) WBCs = White Blood Cells
8) F1- generation = 1st filial generation
9) F2- generation = 2nd filial generation
10) CFCs = Chlorofluorocarbons
11) ARIs = Acute Respiratory Infections
12) EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment
13) IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
14) UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change
15) HIV = Human Immuno deficiency Virus
16) AIDS = Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
17) COVID-19 = Corona Virus Disease - 2019
18) C.S.F. = Cerebro spinal fluid


1) A.U = Astronomical unit

2) I.A.U. = International Astronomical Union.

Full Forms for S.E.E. exam

        More questions will be given in another blog post.


For any kind of query in any chapter of S.E.E. science, mail your question/s on 


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