Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-07 ||

 Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course


"Don't tell people your plans, show them your results"Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-07 ||

In this section you will find 50+ questions for practice. These questions are helpful for CTEVT as well as Bridge course entrance preparation of Science stream. 

Everyday a blog post will be posted with 50+ questions up to 10 days. These questions are available free of cost to all students. 

The 50 questions are classified as:
    1) English - 10 questions    
    2) Chemistry - 10 questions
    3) Physics - 10 questions
    4) Biology - 10 questions
    5) Maths - 10 questions

Solve the MCQ's by yourself and check your aptitude. If you get stuck at any question, comment the question number(with your full name and phone number) below in the comment section. We will try to reply each and every comments.

50 MCQ for CTEVT & Bridge Course

1) We reached.....our destination before noon.
    a) no word is needed
    b) at
    c) or
    d) in

2) There ought to be enough breakfast for the three 14 year old boys,.............?
    a)Shouldn't they
    b) Isn't it
    c) Shouldn't there
    d) Won't it be

3) If you must have a motive.
    a) hardly
    b) so hard
    c) so hardly
    d) such hard

4) Janakpur is a town where every boy and girl .......own.
    a) have, theirs
    b) have, their
    c) as his/her
    d) has, his

5) Mallika, as well as her brother,.........very capable.
    a) are
    b) is
    c) have
    d) were

6) Yesterday, the hottest day of the year, left me...........
    a) Quite exhausting
    b) Very nearly exhausting
    c) Nearly so exhausting
    d) Very nearly exhausting
7) His purpose and aim............
    a) is to success
    b) are to succeed
    c) is to succeed
    d) are to success

8) Members of the tribe joined forces.......the attacks of their foes.
    a) between
    b) against
    c) on
    d) on to

9) .........the tribe was strong, they were more secure.
    a) As
    b) If
    c) Your
    d) Their

10) Individuals found that life was better when they had the companionship of............families.
    a) His
    b) Its
    c) Is believing
    d) Are belived

11) The maximum number of electrons in sub-shell is....
    a) 2
    b) 8
    c) 14
    d) 32

12) The two electrons in K-shell will differ in....
    a) Principal quantum number
    b) Azimuthal quantum number
    c) Magnetic quantum number
    d) Spin quantum number
13) 26 cc of CO₂ are passed over red hot coke. The volume of CO evolved is....
    a) 15 cc
    b) 10 cc
    c) 32 cc
    d) None

14) How much quick lime can be obtained from 25 gm of CaCO₃?
    a) 28 gm
    b) 14 gm
    c) 56 gm
    d) None

15) Al⁺⁺⁺ has lower ionic radius than Mg⁺⁺ because....
    a) Mg atom has less number of neutrons than Al
    b) Al⁺⁺⁺ has a higher nuclear charge than Mg⁺⁺
    c) Their electronegativities are different
    d) Al has a lower ionization potential than Mg atom.

16) Which of the following is not isoelectronic?
    a) Na⁺
    b) Mg⁺⁺
    c) O⁻ ⁻
    d) Cl

17) Alkali metal gives color in Bunsen flame due to...
    a) Low ionization potential
    b) Low M.P.
    c) Softness
    d) One electron in outermost orbit

18) NaOH is prepared by the method....
    a) Down's cell
    b) Castner cell
    c) Solvay process
    d) Castner Kellner cell

19) Sodium is extracted from....
    a) Aqueous NaCl
    b) Molten NaCl
    c) NaOH
    d) NaNO₃

20) Which of the following element is most metallic?
    a) P
    b) As
    c) Sb
    d) Bi

21) Which of the following quantity has the dimensional formula [MLT⁻²]?
    a) Density
    b) Momentum
    c) Velocity
    d) Force

22) Heat energy us converted into electrical energy by....
    a) A generator
    b) A dyanmo
    c) A thermocouple
    d) A heater
23) When a net force on a body is zero, which of the following may be false?
    a) The body is at rest
    b) The body is at motion
    c) It's acceleration is zero
    d) None of the above

24) Tom and Dick are running forward with the same speed. They are throwing a rubber ball to each other at a constant speed 'v' as seen by the thrower. According to Sam who is standing on the ground,the speed of the ball is....
    a) Same as 'v'
    b) Greater than 'v'
    c) Less than 'v'
    d) None of the above

25) A speed of 36 Km/hr into m/s becomes
    a) 20 m/s
    b) 27 m/s
    c) 18 m/s
    d) 10 m/s

26) Shyam's motorcycle accelerated from 2 m/s to 10 m/s in 10 sec. Find the distance between motorcycle travels.
    a) 120 m
    b) 5 m
    c) 60 m
    d) 24 m

27) Water freezes at..... at STP.
    a) 0⁰C
    b) 32 ⁰F
    c) 273 K
    d) All of the above

28) The wight of a body is 'w' at height 'h' from the surface of earth then the depth at which weigh of a body becomes 'w' is...
    a) h
    b) 2h
    c) h/2
    d) 2h/3

29) A body floats in water with 40% of its volume outside the water. When the same body floats in oil, 60% of its volume remains outside oil. The relative density of the oil is...
    a) 0.9
    b) 1.2
    c) 1.5
    d) 1.8

30) Which of the following electromagnetic wave is characterized with high penetrating power?
    a) Gamma rays
    b) UV-rays
    c) Infrared rays
    d) Radio wave

31) Myrmecology is related to.....
    a) Spider
    b) Ants
    c) Bords
    d) Fishes
32) Causative agent of whooping cough ....
    a) Salmonella
    b) Bordetelia pertusis
    c) Mycobacterium
    d) None

33) Epiglottis is found in...
    a) Frog
    b) Toad
    c) rabbit
    d) Hyla

34) Bile primarily acts on...
    a) Protein
    b) Carbohydrate
    c) Sugar
    d) Fats

35) Rabbits are....
    a) Solitary
    b) Colonial
    c) Gregarious
    d) None

36) Which animal has both endoskeleton and exoskeleton?
    a) Cockroach
    b) Frog
    c) Toad
    d) None

37) During aestivation frog respires by....
    a) Buccal cavity
    b) Skin
    c) Lungs
    d) Skin and lungs partially

38) Vertebrates without renal portal system are...
    a) Aves
    b) Mammalia
    c) Amphibia
    d) Reptilia
39) Notochord is restricted to tail region in...
    a) Hemichordates
    b) Urochordates
    c) Cephalochordates
    d) All chordates

40) Sexual dimorphism is most distinct externally in...
    a) Earthworm
    b) Tapeworm
    c) Cockroach
    d) Paramecium

41) If the area of ΔABC = 90 cm², a = 10 cm, c = 18√2 cm, then findã„¥B.
    a) 90⁰
    b) 75
    c) 45
    d) 30⁰

42) From the ships masthead 15 m high, the angle of depression of a boat is observed to be 60⁰. Find its distance from ship.
    a) 15√3
    b) 4√3
    c) 5√3
    d) 60√3

43) If cosecÓ¨ + cotÓ¨ = √3, the value of cotÓ¨ is..
    a) 1/√3
    b) 2/√3
    c) √3/2
    d) √3

44) The diagonals of a parallelogram are along the lines 2x + 5y = y and 10x - 4y = 8 then the parallelogram is a....
    a) Rectangle
    b) Square
    c) Cyclic quadrilateral
    d) Rhombus

45) If n(U) = 360, n(A) = 240, n(B) = 160 then the maximum value of n(A n B) is..
    a) 360
    b) 240
    c) 160
    d) 40

46) If two coins are tossed once then the probability of getting at least one head is...
    a) 1/4
    b) 1/2
    c) 3/4
    d) 1

47) If the mean of 4, 7, x, 13 and 16 is 10 then the value of x is...
    a) 5
    b) 10
    c) 15
    d) 20

48) A line makes y-intercept double of x intercept then slope of line is...
    a) -2
    b) -1/2
    c) 1
    d) 2

49) For the triangle to be congruent which of the following relation is not true?
    a) SSA
    b) AAS
    c) RHS
    d) SSS

50) If a:b = 3:4 and b:c = 6:5 then a:c is.....
    a) 5:6
    b) 3:5
    c) 9:10
    d) 12:10
Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-07 ||
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Answer key

English: (1.b), (2.c), (3.b), (4.c), (5.c), (6.b), (7.c), (8.b), (9.a), (10.d)

Chemistry: (11.c), (12.d), (13.d), (14.b), (15.b), (16.d), (17.a), (18.d), (19.b), (20.d)

Physics: (21. d), (22.c), (23.d), (24.b), (25.d), (26.c), (27.d), (28.b), (29.c), (30.a)

Biology: (31.b), (32.b), (33.c), (34.d), (35.c), (36.d), (37.b), (38.b), (39.b), (40.c)

Maths: (41.c), (42.c), (43.a), (44.d), (45.c), (46.c), (47.b), (48.d), (49.a), (50.c)


For any kind of query in any chapter of S.E.E. science, CTEVT or Bridge Course(Science) mail your question/s on

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