Hydrocarbon and its compounds || Solved Q/A for S.E.E. - Exam || Part-2



Very short questions and answers for S.E.E. students

Hydrocarbon and its compounds

Questions and answers to practice for S.E.E. examination

1) Write down the functions of glucose in animal's body.
Answer: The function of glucose in animal's body are as follows:
    (i) It helps to produce ATP in the body.
    (ii) It helps the transport free sugar in the blood of higher animals.

2) Write any two features of glucose.
Answer: Any two features of glucose are:
    (i) Glucose is a white crystalline powder.
    (ii) It is soluble in water.

3) What is glucose? Write its molecular formula.
Answer: Glucose is a white crystalline powder which is soluble in water. It is a carbohydrate. Its molecular formula is C₆H₁₂O₆.

4) Write down the condensed formula of glycerol.
Answer: The condensed formula of glycerol: CH₂OH - CHOH - CH₂OH.

5) Write any two examples of saturated hydrocarbons.
Answer: Any two examples of saturated hydrocarbons are as follows:
    (i) Propane
    (ii) Butane

6) Where is butane gas found in nature?
Answer: In nature, butane gas is found in the petroleum mine.

7) What is alcohol? Name the various types of alcohol.
Answer: Organic compound containing hydroxyl groups (-OH) is called alcohol.
    On the basis of hydroxyl groups present in the hydrocarbon, alcohol is of three types. They are:
    (i) Monohydric alcohol
    (ii) Dihydric alcohol and
    (iii) Trihydric alcohol.

8) Define momohydric alcohol with one example.
Answer: The organic compound containing only one hydroxyl group is called monohydric alcohol. For example: CH₃OH (Methyl alcohol).

9) Define dihydric alcohol with an example.
Answer: The organic compound containing two hydroxyl group is called dihydric alcohol. For example, ethylene glycol.

Hydrocarbon and its compounds

10) Define trihydric alcohol with one example.
Answer: The organic compound containing three hydroxyl groups is called trihydric alcohol. For example, glycerine or glycerol.

11) How is glycerol prepared?
Answer: Glycerol is prepared by displacing three hydrogen atoms of propane by three hydroxide radicals.

12) What do you mean by IUPAC names?
Answer: IUPAC names of organic compounds are the systematic names or official names of organic compounds given by International Union for Pure and applied Chemistry.

13) Write any two physical properties of glycerol.
Answer: Any two physical properties of glycerol are given below:
    (i) Glycerol is a colorless thick liquid having sweet taste.
    (ii) It dissolves in water but is does not dissolve in ether.

14) Write down the molecular formula of glycerol.
Answer: The molecular formula of glycerol is C₃H₅(OH)₃.

15) Which alcohol is used to manufacture formaldehyde?
Answer: Methyl alcohol (CH₃OH) is used to manufacture formaldehyde.

16) Draw a structural formula of acetylene and mention one use of it.
Answer: The structural formula of acetylene is:
            H - C ≡ C - H
It is used in welding.

        More questions will be given in another blog post.


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