Invertebrates || Solved Q/A for practice for S.E.E. - Exam || Part-1
Very short questions and answers for S.E.E. students
Fig: Silk moth adult male (Bombyx mori)
Questions and answers for practice for S.E.E. examination
1) What is cocoon? What is it made of?
Answer: Cocoon is a spherical cover of the pupa of silk-moth. It is made up of silk fiber.
2) In how many stages does the life cycle of silk-moth complete? What are they?
Answer: The lifecycle of silk-moth completes into four stages. They are:
(i) Egg (ii) Larva (iii) Pupa and (iv) Adult
3) What does seri silkworm feed on?
Answer: Seri silkworm feed on mulberry leaves.
4) Write down the food of Seri silkworm and Eri silkworm.
Type | Food |
Seri Silkworm | Mulberry leaves |
Eri Silkworm | Castor leaves |
5) Name any two countries that produce more than 60% of the world's silk production.
Answer: India and China are two countries that produce more than 60% of world's silk production.
6) Write down any two features of natural silk thread.
Answer: Any two features of natural silk thread are:
(i) It is shiny, attractive and durable.
(ii) It has elasticity and tensile strength.
7)Write down any two stages of the life cycle of silkworm.
Answer: The two stages of life cycle of the silk-worm are egg and larva stage.
8) Name the countries, in which sericulture has established as main industries.
Answer: The countries in which sericulture has been established as main industries are China, Korea, Japan, India, Brazil, Russia and France.
9) What is sericulture?
Answer: The rearing of silkworm for commercial production of silk fiber is called sericulture.
10) Write any two features of larva of silk-moth.
Answer: Any two features of the larva of the silk-moth are as follows:
(i) The larva of silk-moth is a voracious eater.
(ii) Its body can be divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
11) How many types of silk moths are reared in Nepal? What are they?
Answer: Generally, two types of silk-moths are reared in Nepal. They are Seri silkworm and Eri silkworm
12) In how many days does the life cycle of silk moth complete?
Answer: The life cycle of silk moth completes in 45 days.
13) In which stage of its life cycle does silkworm produce silk?
Answer: Silkworm produces silk fiber in the larval stage.
14) Write the scientific name of Seri and Eri silk-moth.
Answer: The scientific name of Seri silk-moth is Bombyx mori and that of Eri silk-moth is Attacus ricini.
15) Where does a female silk-moth lay eggs?
Answer: A female silk-moth lays eggs on the ventral surface of the mulberry leafs.
16) Write the name of two species of silkworm cultivated in Nepal.
Answer: The two species of silkworm that are cultivated in Nepal are:
(i) Bombyx mori (Seri silkworm) and
(ii) Attacus ricini (Eri silkworm).
17) What is mating flight or nuptial flight?
Answer: A mature queen bee comes out of hive and fly in air for mating with drones. This flight is called mating flight or nuptial flight.
18) What is the number or chromosomes in unfertilized egg of honey bee?
Answer: The number of chromosomes in unfertilized eggs of honey bee is 16.
19) When does a queen bee mate with drones?
Answer: The queen bee mates after 3-5 days of its emergence.
20) What is honeybees?
Answer: Honeybees are social insects having high level of discipline and division of labor.
More questions will be given in another blog post.
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