Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-05 ||


Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course


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Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-05 ||
In this section you will find 50+ questions for practice. These questions are helpful for CTEVT as well as Bridge course entrance preparation of Science stream. 

Everyday a blog post will be posted with 50+ questions upto 10 days. These questions are available free of cost to all students. 

The 50 questions are classified as:
    1) English - 10 questions    
    2) Chemistry - 10 questions
    3) Physics - 10 questions
    4) Biology - 10 questions
    5) Maths - 10 questions

Solve the MCQ's by yourself and check your aptitude. If you get stuck at any question, comment the question number(with your full name and phone number) below in the comment section. We will try to reply each and every comments.

50 MCQ for CTEVT & Bridge Course


1) I have....... ewe.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the 
    d) no article

2) Mahesh is..... honest man.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article

3) Our ship crossed ......Atlantic in 7 days.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article

4) James is from.....Republic of Ireland.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article
5) Apples currently cost Rs. 100.......kilogram.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article

6) Cheetahs can run 60 miles ......hour.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article

7) I play.....piano.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article
8) .........basil tree is native to Nepal.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article

9) There English book on the desk.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article

10) She's reading .....old comic.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) no article.

11) NaOH is....
    a) Acid
    b) Base
    c) Alkali
    d) Both 'b' & 'c'

12) Metals usually form.....oxides.
    a) Acidic
    b) Basic
    c) Neutral
    d) All of the above 

13) Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form....
    a) Hard water
    b) Heavy water
    c) Soft water
    d) Water gas

14) Which of the following gives energy(ATP) while burning?
    a) Burning of coal
    b) Burning of natural gas
    c) Burning of oxygen
    d) Burning of glucose

15) NaOH + HCl →.......... + .......
    a) Na(OH)₂ + H₂
    b) NaCl + H₂O
    c) NaCl + H
    d) NaCl + H₂ + O₂

16) Which one is strong acid?
    a) H₂SO₄
    b) H₃PO₄
    c) H₂CO₃   
    d) KNO

17) A base soluble in water is called.....
    a) Acid
    b) Base
    c) Alkali
    d) None

18) Ammonia shape.
    a) Pyramidal
    b) Tetrahedral
    c) Angular
    d) Linear

19) CH₃-COOH is....
    a) Organic acid
    b) Weak acid
    c) Strong acid
    d) Both 'a' & 'b'

20) Nitrogen has.......smell.
    a) Sweet 
    b) Bad    
    c) Pungent
    d) Annoying
Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-05 ||
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21)  The dimensional formula for impulse is same as that of dimensional formula of....
    a) Momentum
    b) Force
    c) Torque
    d) Work

22) The minimum number of vector of equal magnitude required to produce zero resultant is..
    a) Two
    b) Three
    c) Four
    d) More than four

23) The ratio of the displacement to distance is....
    a) Always equals to zero
    b) Always < 1
    c) Always > 1
    d) May be 1

24) A motor has speed 50 km/hr for half the time and 40 km/hr for rest of the time. The average speed of motor is.....
    a) 50 km/hr
    b) 25 km/hr
    c) 55 km/hr
    d) 45 km/hr

25) If we shake the branches of the tree, the fruits fall. The phenomenon can be explained with the help of....
    a) Newton's first law
    b) Newton's second law
    c) Newtons third law
    d) None

26) In uniform circular motion, the factor that remains constant is....
    a) Linear velocity
    b) Centripetal force
    c) Acceleration
    d) Speed

27) The recoiling of the gun is based on phenomenon of...
    a) Law of conservation of momentum
    b) Law of conservation of energy
    c) Law of conservation of angular momentum
    d) Law of conservation of mass.

28) The weight of a body at center of the earth is....
    a) Zero
    b) Infinite
    c) Same as on the surface
    d) None of the above

29) Hydraulic breaks work on the basis of....
    a) Pascal's law
    b) Bernoulli's principle
    c) Poiseuille's principle
    d) Archimedes principle

30) We live in....
    a) Stratosphere
    b) Troposphere
    c) Ionosphere
    d) Exosphere


31) The circulatory system of human is made up of...
    a) veins and arteries
    b) lymph vessels and nodes
    c) blood, heart and blood vessels
    d) Capillaries and veins

32) Instrument used to measure blood pressure is...
    a) Sphygamometer
    b) Sphygmomanometer
    c) Peristalsis pressure
    d) B.P. meter

33) Which is the longest cell in the human body? (Model Question provided by CTEVT)
    a) Muscle cell
    b) Bone cell
    c) Nerve cell
    d) None of the above

34) Potato tuber give rise to a new plant in the soil. What type of asexual reproduction is it?
    a) Sporulation
    b) Vegetative propagation
    c) Fragmentation
    d) Budding

35) The division of fern is.....
    a) Thallophyta
    b) Bryophyta
    c) Pteridophyta
    d) Protista

36) Voluntary muscle is found in....
    a) Heart
    b) Liver
    c) Lungs
    d) Foot

37) Which era is called era of creepers?
    a) Archean & Proterozoic era
    b) Mesozoic era
    c) Paleozoic era
    d) Cenozoic era

38) Reflex action is controlled by.....
    a) Brain
    b) Autonomic nervous system
    c) Spinal cord
    d) Peripheral nervous system

39) Insulin is produced by....
    a) Duodenum
    b) Pancreas
    c) Gall Bladder
    d) Liver

40) Earthworms are called friends of farmer because....
    a) they eat bacteria
    b) they increase fertility of soil
    c) they produce humus
    d) None of these.

41) How many proper subsets do you find in the set {2,3,4}?
    a) 6
    b) 8
    c) 7
    d) 2

42) In how many years will a sum of Rs.8,000 amounts to Rs. 9261 at 5% p.a. CI?
    a) 2 years
    b) 3 years
    c) 4 years
    d) 5 years

43) In how many months will Rs. 4,800 amount to Rs. 5760 at 2 paisa per rupee per month.
    a) 25%
    b) 10%
    c) 4%
    d) 8%

44) The cost of 15 chairs and 2 table is Rs. 4,000 and cost of 10 chairs and 4 tablets are equal. Then find the cost of 12 chairs and 3 tables.
    a) Rs. 3,800
    b) Rs. 400
    c) Rs. 3,900
    d) Rs. 3, 700

45) How many possible outcomes can be found if three coins are tossed simultaneously?
    a) 8
    b) 6
    c) 3
    d) 0.5

46) An article is bought for Rs. 1,800 with a discount of Rs. 200. Find the discount rate.
    a) 10%
    b) 11.11%
    c) 133.33%
    d) 12%

47) If 2x - 4 = 4 ax - 6, what is the value of a?
    a) 2
    b) 6
    c) 6a
    d) 20

48) The two diagonals are equal in a....
    a) Parallelogram
    b) Rhombus
    c) Isosceles triangle
    d) Trapezium

49) Which of the following is not a measure of central value?
    a) Mean
    b) Range
    c) Median
    d) Mode

50) If the arithmetic mean of 7, 5, 13, x and 9 is 10, then the value of  is.....
    a) 10
    b) 12
    c) 14
    d) 16

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Gift Pasal Bhairahawa

Answer key

Chemistry: (11.d), (12.b), (13.b), (14.d), (15.b), (16.a), (17.c), (18.a), (19.d), (20.c)


Biology: (31.c), (32.b), (33.c), (34.b). (35............ (40.b)



For any kind of query in any chapter of S.E.E. science, CTEVT or Bridge Course(Science) mail your question/s on

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                                Thank You!!!


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