Branches of Biology (List of 50+ terms)

 Branches of Biology 

There are different branches of biology. Some of the terms and with what study they are related, has been given in this blog. Hope that you like it.
Branches of Biology (List of 50+ terms)

The list of 50+ terms used for different branches of biology is given below.

1) Anatomy - deals with the study of internal structures of an organism with naked eye.

2) Angiology - Study of blood vessels.

3) Bacteriology - Study of bacteria

4) Biochemistry - Study of chemistry of living organism.

5) Cardiology - Study of heart.

6) Cytology - Study of structure and function of cell and cell organelles.

7) Dermatology - Study of skin and skin appendages.

8) Ecology - Study of relationship between living organisms and environment.

9) Embryology -  Study of formation and development of embryo up to hatching or birth.

10) Endocrinology - Study of endocrine glands and hormones.

11) Evolution - Study of origin of life and formation of different forms from the primordial life and relationship between them.

12) Entomology - Study of insects

13) Etiology - Study of causative agents of disease

14) Exobiology - Study of life on other planets

15) Floriculture - Study of plants grown for their flowers

16) Forestry - Study of forests and trees

17) Genetics - Study of hereditary characters and their inheritance.

18) Hematology - Study of blood.

19) Helminthology - Study of Helminthes/parasite.

20) Hepatology - Study of liver

21) Histology - Study of tissue structure with the help of microscope.

22) Horticulture - Study of garden and orchid plants

23) Herpatology - Study of reptiles

24) Ichthyology - Study of fishes

25) Malacology - Study of molluscans

26) Mastology - Study of breasts

27) Microbiology - Study of micro-organism

28) Morphology - Study of external feature of the organism.

29) Nephrology - Study of kidney

30) Neurology - Study of nervous system of animals

31) Oncology - Study of tumors/cancer

32) Ophiology - Study of Snakes

33) Orinthology - Study of Birds

34) Osteology - Study of Bone

35) Para-zoology - Study of porifera (sponges)

36) Parasitology - Study of parasites

37) Paleontology - Study of plants and animals fossils

38) Pathology - Study of disease

39) Pharmacology - Study of drugs or medicine

40) Physiology - Study of life process in plants and animals

41) Phycology - Study of algae

42) Protozoology - Study of unicellular organism

43) Sericulture - Rearing of silkworm for extraction of raw silk

44) Taxonomy - Study of classification of organism

45) Trophology - Study of food and nutrition

46) Virology - Study of viruses

47) Mycology - Study of fungi

48) Pomology - Study of fruits

49) Oology - Study of eggs

50) Trichology - Study of hair

51) Opthalomology - Study of eye

52) Pedology - Study of soil


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