Chromosome and Sex determination || Solved Q/A to practice for S.E.E. - Exam || Part-2

Chromosome and Sex determination


Very short questions and answers for S.E.E. students

Questions and answers to practice for S.E.E. examination

1) What is telocentric chromosome?
Answer: The chromosome having cetnromere at one end of the chromatid is called telocentric chromosome.

2) What are hereditary characteristics?
Answer: The characteristics which are transmitted from one generation to another are called hereditary characteristics.

3) How many types of chromosomes are there on the basis of position of centromere?
Answer: On the basis of position of centromere, chromosomes are of following types:
        (i) Metacentric
        (ii) Sub-metacentric
        (iii) Acrocentric     and
        (iv) Telocentric

4) What types of cells contain haploid chromosomes?
Answer: Gametes (male gamete or female gamete) contain haploid chromosomes.

5) Write any two examples of sex-linked diseases.
Answer: Any two examples of sex-linked diseases are:
        (i) Haemophilia and
        (ii) Color blindness

6) What is haploid cell?
Answer: The cell having 'n' number of chromosomes is called a haploid cell.

7) Where are genes found?
Answer: Genes are found in chromosomes.

8) What us chromosomal disorder? Write its examples.
Answer: The disorder caused in human beings due to increase or decrease in the number of chromosomes is called chromosomal disorder. For example, Haemophilia, Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome, etc.

9) Write down the major function of chromosome.
Answer: The major function of chromosome is to transmit parental characteristics to their offsprings.

10) What is a diploid cell?
Answer: The cell having chromosomes in pairs or '2n' number of chromosomes is called diploid cell.

11) What is the cause of Turner's syndrome?
Answer: The major cause of Turner's syndrome is lack of X-chromosome. In this condition, the number of chromosome becomes 45 + X0.

12) Write down the major cause of Klinfelter's syndrome.
Answer: The major causes of Klinfelter's syndrome is the addition of sex chromosome (X-chromosome) and the number of chromosomes becomes 47, XXY karyotype.

13) What is Klinfelter's syndrome?
Answer: Klinfelter's syndrome is the chromosomal disorder which occurs due to addition of sex chromosome (X-chromosome) and the number of chromosomes becomes 47, XXY karyotype.

14) Write down the major cause of Down's syndrome.
Answer: The major cause of Down's syndrome is the addition of extra chromosome in the 21 chromosome.

15) What is the full form of DNA?
Answer: The full form of DNA is Deoxy-Ribo Nucleic Acid.

      More questions will be given in another blog post.


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