Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-08 ||

Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course


"Don't tell people your plans, show them your results"Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-08 ||

In this section of Online Notes you will find 50+ questions for practice. These questions are helpful for CTEVT as well as Bridge course entrance preparation of Science stream. All the questions posted here are as per the syllabus of CTEVT, Nepal.

Everyday a blog post will be posted with 50+ questions up to 10 days. These questions are available free of cost to all students. 

The 50 questions are classified as:
    1) English - 10 questions    
    2) Chemistry - 10 questions
    3) Related with Nursing- 30 questions

Solve the MCQ's by yourself and check your aptitude. If you get stuck at any question, comment the question number(with your full name and phone number) below in the comment section. We will try to reply each and every comments.

50 MCQ for CTEVT & Bridge Course


1)The trainer.......that this is the explaination.

    a) believe
    b) believers
    c) is believing
    d) are believed

2) They......make mistakes on purpose.
    a) Yet
    b) Ever
    c) Even
    d) Too

3) In Nepal, rice is the Terai.
    a) Apparently
    b) Mostly
    c) Amazingly
    d) Distinctly

4) A mixture of steam and oil the condenser.
    a) travels
    b) was traveled
    c) is traveled
    d) are traveled

5) Oil is....than water, so it rises to the top of a mixture.
    a) Light
    b) Lighter
    c) Lightest
    d) More lighter

6) The weight of peppermint leaves.....on how dry they are.
    a) depend
    b) dependent
    c) depends
    d) dependence

7) If I were you,.............
    a) I wouldn't do that
    b) I wouldn't have done that
    c) I had don't that
    d) I did that

8) ............anybody survived the accident was a miracle.
    a) The
    b) Because
    c) As if
    d) That

9) Select the letter of the incorrect word.
    Married women are twice so likely as married men to be depressed.
    a) twice
    b) so
    c) men
    d) depressed

10) I realized that my jacket had been......there.
    a) Lying
    b) Laid
    c) Lies
    d) Is lying

11) Which of the following is used as alcoholic drink?
    a) Isopropyl alcohol
    b) Methyl alcohol
    c) Ethyl alcohol
    d) Butyl alcohol

12) Haematite is an ore of.....
    a) Copper
    b) Aluminum
    c) Calcium
    d) Iron

13) The color of methyl orange in neutral medium is...
    a) Pink
    b) Red
    c) Yellow
    d) Orange

14) Which of the following compound is produced by Haber's process?
    a) HNO₃
    b) H₂SO₄
    c) HCl
    d) NH

15) The laughing gas is....
    a) N₂O
    b) NO
    c) NO
    c) None

16) When Potassium chlorate is heated...
    a) Oxygen gas is produced
    b) Chlorine gas is produced
    c) Nitrogen gas is produced
    d) Potassium is formed

17) Which of the following group in the modern periodic table is known as halogen?
    a) IA
    b) IIA
    c) VA
    d) VIIA

18) The alloys of metals with mercury are called
    a) Amalgam
    b) Solder
    c) Bell metal
    d) Galvanized metal

19) Which of the following metal is called coinage metal?
    a) Na
    b) Li
    c) Cu
    d) Ca

20) What is the symbol of silver?
    a) Ag
    b) Al
    c) Cl
    d) Cu


21) The Branch of science which deals about structure and function of human body is called....
    a) Anatomy
    b) Physiology
    c) Anatomy and physiology
    d) Pathology

22) The outermost layer of skin is made of....
    a) Columnar epithelium
    b) Stratified squamous
    c) Transitional epithelium
    d) Cuboidal squamous

23) The fibrous tissue that cover the bone is called....
    a) Perimetrium
    b) Pericardium
    c) Perichondrium
    d) Periosteum

24) The total number of facial bones are....
    a) 14
    b) 22
    c) 33
    d) 60

25) 'PATELLA' is.....
    a) Shoot bone
    b) Irregular bone
    c) Sesamoid bone
    d) Flat bone

26) There are......bones found in Appendicular skeleton?
     a) 136
     b) 126
     c) 146
     d) 116

27) Which is not a knot of axial skeleton?
    a) Tibia
    b) Humerus
    c) Pisiform
    d) Sternum

28) What is the main function of air sinuses?
    a) To lighten the skull
    b) To give resonance of voice
    c) To pour waste matter of sinus into nasal cavity
    d) All of the above

29) To draw CSF, Lumbar Puncture (LP) is done at.....
    a) L₁ to L₂
    b) L₂ to L₃
    c) L₃ to L₄
    d) L₅ to L₅

30) Anterior fontanelle is ossified at.....
    a) 18 months
    b) 2-3 months
    c) 30 years
    d) 2 years

31) Which is the smallest bone in our body?
    a) Malleus
    b) Carpel
    c) Stapes
    d) Atlas

32) The tendon connects between.....
    a) Muscle to bone
    b) Muscle to muscle
    c) Bone to bone
    d) None

33) The end of long bones are covered by......
    a) Ligament
    b) Tendon
    c) Cartilage
    d) Bone cap

34) Odontoid process is characteristics of....
    a) Atlas
    b) Coccyx
    c) Thoracic vertebra
    d) Axis

35) Which of the following metals can be used in joint related conditions?
    a) Mercury
    b) Iron    
    c) Gold
    d) Silver

36) Long bones are developed from.....
    a) Membrane
    b) Cartilage
    c) Tendon
    d) All

37) Lunate bone forms the part of.....
    a) Ankle joint
    b) Wrist joint
    c) Knee joint
    d) Shoulder joint

38) Navicular bone is related to.....
    a) Tarsal
    b) Carpals
    c) Tibia
    d) Skull

39) Which cartilage is responsible for intervertebral disc?
    a) Elastic cartilage
    b) Hyaline cartilage
    c) Calcified cartilage
    d) Fibrous cartilage

40) How many bones make thoracic cage?
    a) 25
    b) 12
    c) 37
    d) 24

41) What percentage of water is found in bone?
    a) 10%
    b) 15%
    c) 40%
    d) 20%

42) Freely movable joints are covered by.....
    a) Mucous membrane
    b) Serous membrane
    c) Synovial membrane
    d) All

43) Harvesian canal is found in.....
    a) Bone
    b) Brain
    c) Pancreas
    d) Liver

44) Which is the common muscle for giving intra-muscular?
    a) Qadriceps
    b) Deltoid
    c) Gluteal
    d) All

45) Muscle fatigue is due to.....
    a) Lactic acid
    b) Pyrubic acid
    c) Oxaloacetic acid
    d) Ketone bodies

46) Which of the following muscle pulls angle of jaw downwards to surprise or horror?
    a) Platysma
    b) Tiapegius
    c) Buccunator
    d) Masseter

47) The attractive bulk calf of female is formed by......muscle.
    a) Hamstring
    b) Gluteal
    c) Gastroenemius
    d) Rectus femoris

48) Actin, Myosin and Tropomyosin are the part of.....
    a) Cartilage
    b) Skeletal muscle
    c) Neurone
    d) Nephrone

49) What percentage of oxygen is found in expired air?
    a) 10%
    b) 12%
    c) 16%
    d) 21%

50) How many lobes does the right lungs posses?
    a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 4
    d) 5

Click here for more such '50 MCQ sets'







Answer key
English: Consult your teacher

Chemistry: (11.c), (12.d), (13.c), (14.d), (15.a), (16.a), (17.d), (18.a), (19.c), (20.a)

Nursing: (21. c), (22.b), (23.d), (24.a), (25.c),
               (26.b), (27.d), (28.d), (29.c), (30.a), 
               (31.c), (32.a), (33.c), (34.d), (35.c), 
               (36.b), (37.b), (38.a), (39.d), (40.c), 
               (41.d), (42.c), (43.a), (44.d), (45.a), 
               (46.a), (47.c), (48.b), (49.c), (50.b)


For any kind of query in any chapter of S.E.E. science, CTEVT or Bridge Course(Science) mail your question/s on

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                                Thank You!!!


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