Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-06 ||

Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course


"It always seems impossible until it's done"

Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-06 ||
In this section you will find 50+ questions for practice. These questions are helpful for CTEVT as well as Bridge course entrance preparation of Science stream. 

Everyday a blog post will be posted with 50+ questions upto 10 days. These questions are available free of cost to all students. 

The 50 questions are classified as:
    1) English - 10 questions    
    2) Chemistry - 10 questions
    3) Physics - 10 questions
    4) Biology - 10 questions
    5) Maths - 10 questions

Solve the MCQ's by yourself and check your aptitude. If you get stuck at any question, comment the question number(with your full name and phone number) below in the comment section. We will try to reply each and every comments.

50 MCQ for CTEVT & Bridge Course

1) She is ...... Hindu girl.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none

2) Mr. Yadav is...... only man to help you.
    a) an
    b) the
    c) a
    d) none

3) ______ mango is considered the king among fruits.
    a) No article
    b) a
    c) an
    d) the

4) _____television is a gift of science.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) No article

5) Prizes would be given for____most outstanding performances.
    a) an
    b) a
    c) no article
    d) the

6) _____scenery of this place is worth seeing.
    a) the
    b) a
    c) an
    d) No article

7) I want_____ answer to the question.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none

8) We have____ hour to complete the work.
    a) the
    b) a
    c) none
    d) an

9) She has___hour and __half to do this job.
    a) an, the
    b) a, an
    c) the, the
    d) an, a

10) _____x-ray he took was expensive.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none

11) HBr is....
    a) Hydrogen bromine
    b) Hydrobromic acid
    c) Hydrobromine acid
    d) Hydroboric acid

12) Ethyl alcohol is also called...
    a) Ethanal
    b) Methanal
    c) Methanol
    d) Ethanol

13) The hardest substance is...
    a) Graphite
    b) Steel
    c) Diamond
    d) Iron

14) When coal is burnt in air, it gives...
    a) Ammonia
    b) Carbon-dioxide
    c) Nitrogen
    d) Hydrogen

15) Which one is unsaturated hydrocarbon?
    a) C₂H₅
    b) C₃H₅
    c) C₅H₁₂
    d) C₅H₁₀

16) Functional group of alcohol is....
    a) -CHO
    b) -COOH
    c) -NH₂
    d) -OH

17) Diamond is....
    a) a carbon compound
    b) a hydrocarbon
    c) an allotropic form of carbon
    d) an isotope of carbon

18) Black lead is....
    a) Graphite
    b) Diamond
    c) Charcoal
    d) Lamp Black

19) Which one is a conductor of heat and electricity?
    a) Graphite
    b) Diamond
    c) Charcoal
    d) Coal

20) Coke is....
    a) Carbon
    b) A liquid
    c) A gas
    d) a metal

21) Candela is the fundamental unit of.....
    a) Amount of substance
    b) Temperature
    c) Luminous intensity
    d) Current

22) Joule is the unit of....
    a) Work
    b) Energy
    c) Power
    d)Both 'a' & 'b'

23)  Scalar quantities has ....
    a) Both magnitude & direction
    b) Only magnitude
    c) Only direction
    d) None

24) Which of the statement about scalar is true?
    a) It must have magnitude
    b) Some scalar have both magnitude and direction
    c) They don't obey the law of vector addition
    d) All of the above

25) The actual path covered by a body is called....
    a) Distance
    b) Displacement
    c) Speed
    d) Scalar

26) The dimensional formula of displacement is....
    a) [M⁰L⁰T⁻¹]
    b) [M⁰L¹T⁰]
    c) [M¹L⁰T⁰]
    d) [M¹L¹T⁰]

27) Work done by a force of 30 N to move an object through a distance of 3 m in the direction of force is...
    a) 30 J
    b) 60 J
    c) 90 J
    d) 0 J

28) A bent bow used for shooting an arrow possesses
    a) Kinetic energy
    b) Potential energy
    c) Electrical energy
    d) Sound energy

29) Value of 'g'  is maximum at....
    a) Pole
    b) Equtor
    c) Center
    d) Infinity

30) The value of 'g' is....
    a) 9.8 m/s²
    b) 9.78 m/s²
    c) 10 m/s²
    d) 6.67 x 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/Kg²

31) Father if biology is....
    a) Lamarck
    b) Aristotle
    c) Darwin
    d) Theophrastus
32) Theory of natural selection was given by....
    a) Darwin
    b) Lamarck
    c) Aristotle
    d) Mendel

33) The blood of Octopus or Pila is.....
    a) Red
    b) Green
    c) Blue
    d) White

34) Respiratory structure of insects is....
    a) Lungs
    b) trachea
    c) Gills
    d) Skin

35) Cilia is the locomotary apparatus of....
    a) Euglena
    b) Paramecium
    c) Plasmodium
    d) Amoeba

36) Euglena locomotes by....
    a) Cilia
    b) Pseudopodia
    c) Flagella
    d) None

37) Water canal system is associated with....
    a) Protozoa
    b) Porifera
    c) Coelenterata
    d) Algae

38) Porifera are called....
    a) Pore bearing animals
    b) Canal bearing animals
    c) Fiber bearing animals
    d) Vacuole bearing animals

39) Study of coelenterate is called....
    a) Nidology
    b) Cnidology
    c) Phenology
    d) Hydrology

40) Digestion in coelenterate is....
    a) Interacellular
    b) Extracellular
    c) Both
    d) None

41) A (adj A) is equal to.....
    a) 1
    b) 0
    c) |A| 1
    d) |An| 1

42) A & B are square matrices of order 3, |A| = 1, |B| = -3. Then |3AB| =?
    a) 81
    b) 27
    c) -54
    d) -81

43) Sum of the first eleven terms of A.P., whose middle term is 30 is....
    a) 660
    b) 240
    c) 330
    d) 150

44) Which term of the series 15 + 12 + 9 + .........equals to zero?
    a) 5th term
    b) 6th term
    c) 7th term
    d) 4th term

45) The equation ax² + bx + c = 0 has real roots if....
    a) b² < ac
    b) b² > ac
    c) b² ≥ 4ac
    d) b² = ac

46) The common root of the equations x² - 5x + 6 = 0 and x² - 3x + 2 = 0 is....
    a) x = 3
    b) x = -1
    c) x = -5
    d) x = 2

47) The number of subsets of A having n elements is...
    a) 2n
    b) 2n - 1
    c) 2n - 2
    d) 2n + 1

48) The set of all primes which are even is...
    a) {2,5,6....}
    b) {1,3,5.....}
    c) {2}    
    d) Ñ„

49) Constant function is generally....
    a) One to one
    b) Many to one
    c) Into
    d) Bijective

50) In ΔABC, if a - 2, A = 30⁰, then the radius of circum circle is...
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 4
    d) 3
Set of 50 MCQ's for CTEVT & Bridge Course || Part-06 ||
Click here for more such '50 MCQ sets'





Answer key
English: (1.a), (2.b), (3.d), (4.c), (5.d), (6.a), (7.b), (8.d), (9.d), (10.c) 

Chemistry: (11.b), (12.d), (13.c), (14.b), (15.d), (16.d), (17.c), (18.a), (19.a), (20.a)

Physics: (21.c), (22.d), (23.b), (24.d), (25.a), (26.b), (27.c), (28.b), (29.a), (30.a)

Biology: (31.b), (32.a), (33.c), (34.b), (35.b), (36.c), (37.b), (38.a), (39.b), (40.c)

Maths: (41.c), (42.d), (43.c), (44.b), (45.c), (46.d), (47.a), (48.c), (49.b), (50.b)


For any kind of query in any chapter of S.E.E. science, CTEVT or Bridge Course(Science) mail your question/s on

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                                Thank You!!!


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    1. Welcome Sanjiv Jaiswal. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope that you enjoyed it. Share it with your friends if you find it useful.


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